Hire period & key hire terms

  • The period of hire is a maximum of three days after the customer received the good/s from Babagi.
  • The date of hire is as agreed by the customer and a Babagi staff.
  • Type of goods and the amount of good/s ordered are as listed in the Order Form,
  • Goods (excl, hot food, cake, fruit or such) to be arranged by Babagi’s team must be submitted to Babag’s studio at least seven days prior to date of hire. Fees of Rp. 150K/day will be applied for any late submission.
  • Food (hot food, cake, fruit or such) must be delivered to Babagi’s studio at least one day prior to date of hire unless otherwise agreed or ordered through Babagi Kitchen.
  • Food ordered from Babagi Kitchen must be placed at least three days before the requested delivery date.
  • All goods can only be arranged at Babagi’s studio. We do not offer an on site arrangement service.

Cancellation & charge of order

  • The 50% down payment of total order cannot be refunded if order is cancelled.
  • Any other payment that Babagi have received cannot be refunded.
  • A change of order will not be accepted 14 days prior to the date of hire unless otherwise agreed.
  • Neither Babagi or its suppliers shall be considered in breach of this contract to the extent that the delivery commitment is prevented by an Event of Force Majeure that arises ater the agreement date.


  • Prices are as specified in the pricelist and non negotiable.
  • An order will be accompanied with an Official Invoice supplied by Babagi indicating the outstanding amount.
  • A 50% down payment of total order must be paid immediately tomsecure the date of hire.
  • Babagi have the right to cancel an order at any time if down payment is not received.
  • The final payment must be paid within three days prior to the date of hire,
  • An additional of Rp. 200k will be incurred for each extra day of hire, through prior agreement with Babagi.
  • An extra 20% service fee will be applied for order during any national holiday period.

Delivery and pick up services

We offer delivery and pick up services for Jakarta and greater Jakarta from our studio in Kalibata area. The rates are as below:

For smaller items and up to around 7 seserahan boxes. Rate increases by Rp. 25K /5 km for distances further than 20 km.

  • 10 km or less : Rp. 85K (TB Simatupang, Cilandak, Kemang, Kebayoran, Jatinegara)
  • 16 km: Rp. 150K (Lebak Bulus, Cinere, Menteng, Bunderan HI, Kalimalang)
  • 20 km: Rp. 215K (Cempaka Putih, Kelapa Gading, Bintaro)

For 8 or more seserahan boxes.
Rate increases by Rp. 65K / 5 km for distances further than 20 km.

  • 10 km or less : Rp. 130K (TB Simatupang, Cilandak, Kemang, Kebayoran, Jatinegara)
  • 16 km: Rp. 195K (Lebak Bulus, Cinere, Menteng, Bunderan HI, Kalimalang)
  • 20 km: Rp. 260K (Cempaka Putih, Kelapa Gading, Bintaro)

Terms and Conditions

  • Goods that belong to Babagi (incl. trays, acrylic tops, decorations or such) should be returned to Babagi’s studio when the period of hire is finished.
  • Babagi are not responsible for any damage occur during transportation if the customer arrage their own delivery.
  • In case of damage or lost during the rental period, customer wil bear the cost up to Rp. 1,000k for each product.
  • Delivery rates that are specified in the pricelist are for one trip from Babagi studio located in Kalibata area.
  • The areas listed in the Delivery Service page are only for a quick reference. Babagi can deliver to any area within Jakarta and its surroundings.

Personal Shopping

Need assistance in shopping to your seserahan or sangjit? Let us know what you need and we’ll do our best to sort it out for you.

Shopping fee 10% of total spending.
We also provide fruits sourcing service to make it even more convenient for you.